Your number one goal is to have the best vegetable garden yet except.. also have to do your spring cleaning and your kids are begging for a fun adventure because lets face it- we all need a change of scenery.

So instead of throwing seeds in the dirt and accidentally watering them those seedlings with a washing solution, let's quickly put those gardening dreams into action.

 Our Plan Your Backyard Vegetable Garden Course is a quick and dirty planning course with the tips, tricks and helpful cheatsheets to get you from seed to harvest and back again. 



All the tools you need to plan your garden

  • A Printable Planner that you’ll actually end up using because it’s cute and completely functional for beginner gardeners

  • Printable Labels and Garden Markers so you can keep track of all those seeds you planted and actually know what you’re about to take a bite of come harvest season

  • a 30 minute crash course on what to plan for and what to forget about when it comes to the act of actual gardening

  • A Personalized Garden Calendar with daily actionable steps created by you for the best veggie garden season

Plan Your Backyard Vegetable Garden Today

Diana Bouchard

There are just a few things I LOVE in life... My boys, our homestead, the chickens, cows and PLANNING to make the most of all that life gives me. 

 I spend most of my time trying to enjoy the present and not worrying about the past.

I believe happy homesteading is totally possible by creating the right plan. I hear time and time again that it’s not possible to homestead, afford to live and not go “crazy”. 

Are you kidding me?

Forget those people, start celebrating your homesteading journey and get the most out of your homestead no matter where you live! 


Plan Your Backyard Vegetable Garden Crash Course